Strange Things




Before you ask, no, this post isn’t about the Netflix show “Stranger Things.” I haven’t seen the show, but I’ve heard good things about it… Well, I’ve heard strange things… (see what I did there? [-_^]).


Anyway, this post, like so many of my blog posts, is about one of my countless hikes and something strange I spotted.


There’s an out-of-the-way trail tucked behind a cute little church in the town of Addison, Maine. It’s called the Ingersoll Point Preserve (I think I’ve mentioned it in a previous post, but I’m not sure…). It’s a network of three trails (and one short connector trail) that converge at a small rocky beach. It was on said beach that I spotted something strange…




Tell me that doesn’t look like a skull tucked among the rocks! I know it’s just a rock, but when I saw this, it gave me a little moment of “WTF!?”


Keep your eyes open, people. You never know what you might miss if you don’t pay attention.



Until next time…





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